
Hepatic steatosis

Hepatic steatosis (also called fatty liver disease) is the accumulation of fat in the liver. When inflammation is present, the condition is called steatohepatitis and can progress to cirrhosis or...
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Natural Remedies

In the recent times we hear more often about the return towards nature and natural remedies, both in terms of lifestyle and in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Everyone talks about natural remedies,...
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Hair Loss

Hair loss appears on the list problems faced by many people. It appears normal if around 100 hairs per day are lost. But it may be a conspicuous problem for women and men when it becomes excessive. Hair loss...
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Spring Detox Therapy

In spring, the body suffers from various modifications and it must adapt to the new climate change, brighter days, etc. During winter season, the body becomes weakened because it remained deprived of vitamins...
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Heatstroke and Migraine

The sun has become “the greatest enemy” of man in summer and the methods of protection from sunrays become common topics for discussion among specialists, both medical doctors as well herbalists and...
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Obesity And Its Consequences

Nutritional disorders and obesity, especially those of varying degrees, usually represent a major risk factor for human health. Without any extreme changes, maintaining the body weight should occupy a...
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