Phyllanthus Urinaria is an annual small plant. It grows up to 60 cm in length. The leaves are arranged alternately along with erect, red stem. The leaves are oblong or oblong-obovate, 7-18 mm long, 7.3 mm wide, rounded with a pointed apex and obliquely rounded at the base. The leaves are large at the top and small at petiole. When touched, the leaves shrink automatically. The flowers are greenish white in color, minute and appear axilliary to the leaves and seed capsules. Fruits are numerous green-red and small, round and smooth, found in the lower part of the stems.
Chemical composition – Plant contains mainly lignans (phyllanthins and hypophyllanthin), alkaloids and flavonoids (quercetin).
Properties – Anodyne, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antispastic, antiviral, carminative, choleretic, detoxifying, diuretic, digestive, emmenagogue, laxative, anthelmintic, vermifuge.
Recommendations – Hepatitis, jaundice, gallstones, urinary tract infections, nephrotic edema, urinary stones, enteritis and diarrhea, prostatitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, vaginitis, asthma, bronchitis, cough, tuberculosis, fever, flu, stomach pain, joint pain, conjunctivitis, anemia.
This plant is incorporated in natural remedies LIVECOM Tablets, LIVECOM Syrup, URINOSALM.