Citrus Medica

citrus medica

Citrus medica, lemon, is a fruit tree that comes from the tropical regions of Asia. It grows up to 3 meters in height, 2 meters width. It can be grown in pots and can be kept inside the houses. Flourishes from March to October. The flowers are white or purple and are very frgrant. After pollination, fruit (lemon) grows with yellow or orange color, in variable forms, called “Buddha’s hand”. The fruits are edible, bitter-sweet in taste and are seldom eaten fresh. The leaves are evergreen, silky and green in color.

Chemical composition – Fruit consists of citric acid, malic acid, calcium citrate, potassium citrate. Minerals- phosphorus, iron, silicon, manganese, copper and calcium. Vitamins- A, B1, B2, B3, D, E, PP. The volatile oil from the bark is composed of limonene, pinene, camphor, phellandrene, sesquiterpenes, linalool, ethyl linalool, terpene (helps control blood cholesterol), flavonoids, limonene, gernyl acetate, citronellol, citral aldehydes.

Properties – Antiseptic, astringent, antioxidant, bactericidal, febrifuge, tonic cardic tonic cerebral tonic, inflammatory, calming, healing, invigorating, diuretic, antirheumatic, antigout arthritic, gastric antacid, antisclerotic, antiscorbutic, venous tonic, hemostatic, strengthens immunity, fluidizes blood, hypotensive, depurative, remineralizing, anti-anemic, stimulates hepatic, pancreatic, and gastrointestinal secretions, hemostatic, carminative, anthelmintic, antivenom.

Recommendations – Anemia, obesity, angina, atherosclerosis, ascites, asthenia, asthma, bronchitis, liver congestion, convalescence, diabetes, diarrhea, digestive dyspepsia, dysentery, fever, phlebitis, capillary fragility, boils, gastritis, hyperacidity, gastralgia, flu, gout, cataract, bleeding, herpes, hepatitis, hypertension, jaundice, loss of appetite, various infections, hepatic and pancreatic insufficiency, adrenal insufficiency, urinary and biliary calculi, flatulence, headaches, intestinal parasites, freckles, wound infections, scurvy, seborrhea, stomatitis, vomiting.

This plant is incorporated in natural remedy HAPPY KID Syrup.