Anethum sowa (Dill) is a perennial, aromatic plant. Dill is originated in Eastern Europe. Reaches a height up to 75-100 cm. The stem is thin, can reach heights of 40-60 cm and is branched. The leaves are thin and delicate, dark green in color. They have a length of 10-20 mm and a width of 1-2 mm. The flowers grow at the top of the plant and having an umbrella shape with a diameter of 2-9 cm. Their color is white or yellow. The seeds are 4-5 mm long and 1 mm thick. Their surface is slightly ribbed lengthwise.
Chemical composition – Essential oil contains monoterpene hydrocarbons: α and β-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, α-phellandrene, limonene, mentatriene, cis and trans-ocimene, gamma-terpinene, p-cymene and terpinolene. Oxygenated monoterpenes include-fenchone, cis-and trans-limonene epoxide, terpinene-4-ol, dillether characteristic component of dill seed oil, contains 5%, cis and trans-dihidrocarvone, acetate of trans carvyl, cis and trans carveoles, dihydro iso carveolcarvil dihydro isocarveol, 1-p-Menten-9-ol.
– Sesquiterpenoids and other compounds present in very small quantities are: dillapiol, myristicine and β-caryophyllene.
Properties – Antioxidants, digestive, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, detoxifying dermoprotector, intestinal antiseptic.
Recommendations – Acne, gastrointestinal disorders, sexual disorders and gynecological disorders of the ovaries, atherosclerosis, fatigue, liver and gallbladder tumors, disturbed menstrual cycle, headaches, gastritis, hemorrhoids, hyperkeratosis, hypertension, hirsutism, eye inflammation, respiratory tract inflammation, skin irritation, insomnia, heart failure, impaired lactation, menopause, nephrosis, neurosis, osteoporosis, rheumatism, irregular vaginal discharge, hiccup.
This plant is incorporated in natural remedy GASCURE Syrup.