Aegle Marmelos is usually found in India, Burma, Sri Lanka. It grows wild in the sub-Himalayan forests, central areas of India and the dry hilly places of 1200 m altitude. Leaves are alternate, have 3-5 foliate, leaflets is ovate-lanceolate, crenate, acuminate, membranous and with petals. Flowers are in axillary panicles and short, large and fragrant. The calyx is pubescent and has four lobes. Petals are 4, white and dotted. It has many stamens. Fruits are gray or yellowish in color. Seeds are oblong, compressed, embedded in sweet pulp, reddish yellow in color.
Chemical composition – The plant contains aegeline previously identified as sterol but deducted as a neutral alkaloid. The leaves contain rutacine, sitosterol G, aegelemine and aegeline. Root and bark contain Marmine, umbelliferone, skimmianine. A major component is the fruit mucilage and marmelosin (coumarine).
Properties – Anti-diabetic, antimicrobial, astringent, digestive, stomach, febrifuge, antifungal, analgesic, radiation protection, antispermatogenic, antiulcer, hypolopidemic.
Recommendations – Diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, inflammation, asthma, hypoglycemia, indigestion, hepatitis, typhoid fever, debility, cholera, hemorrhoids, intermittent fever, hypochondria, melancholy and heart palpitations, edema, constipation and jaundice.
This plant is incorporated in natural remedy HAPPY KID Syrup.