Abies webbiana is a coniferous, tall, evergreen tree, grows up to 60 m, with strong branches, stretched horizontally, with young buds covered with short brown hair. Leaves are simple, covering dense and scattered in all directions. Each leaf is 1.5-2.3 cm long, the cones are bluish and have winged seeds.
Chemical composition – Contains aziridine, monoterpenes, flavonoids, phytosterols and diterpene glycoside. Abiesine, n-triacontanol, beta-sitosterol, betuloside. Essential oil of leaf contains alpha-pinene, limonene, L-deltacarene, dipentene, bornyl acetate and cardinene as the major substances.
Properties – Carminative, stomachic, expectorant, decongestant, antiseptic, astringent, antihyperglycemic, febrifuge, antibacterial, anti-spasmodic, mast cell stabilizer, anxiolytic, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, antitussive and sedative.
Recommendation – Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cough, cancer, asthma hypochlorhydria, bronchitis, chronic amoebiasis, hiccups, vomiting, rheumatism, hoarseness, helminthiasis and oral disease.
This plant is incorporated in natural remedy COUGHEND Syrup.